Bounce Together


Bounce Together is a new start up aiming to help educators evidence health and wellbeing of pupils at school. Via collecting data via fun questionaires, student data can be anaysed with AI to interpret immediate trends from the results.

The project was to create the brand, website and Admin Portal.

The main challenge can be defined as:
Produce a brand and all associated assets.
Create a clear and concise marketing website.
Produce designs for an Admin Portal for Admin Users to create and manage questionaires.
Design the flow of Questionaires fit for target users.
Working closely with the client, we managed to define the specifications of the project and start building the assets to produce the brand and prototype.
The components of the UX were broken down as follows:
Log In
On Boarding
Admin Create Questionnaire
Admin Compare Data
Stuent Notifications of Questionnaire
Student Complete Questionnaire
With the specification of the project confirmed, I started to work on creating the brand and the assets to create the required components of the project.
With the use of vibrant colours and strong fonts, the visuals became engaging and informative.

The finished prototype was uploaded to InVision, and a classroom of students invited to complete 3 assigned tasks on the prototype. With that feedback, the assets were made ready for the development team who created a working MVP to launch.

UX / UI Design
UI Icon Design
Website Design
Brand Design
Dashboard Design
Asset Hand Off